Wednesday 4 October 2017

Week 10

Last P-day was amazing! Me, Sis. M, Sis Jackson, and Sis. Hendrickson from Samutprakarn went to the Ancient City in Samutprakarn. Oh it was loverly! We rode the free bikes around this ancient city/outdoor historical museum with ancient statues, and shops, and a Wat. My camera died half way through the day though :( 

This week has been slow with new investigators, and we had to drop a few too, which was a little sad, but it's time to find the new people who God is preparing! 

Remember that guy I was talking about last week who we had waved down, told him to cross the street and come to church? Well he is getting baptized in 2 weeks now! He is our most golden investigator and is so prepared by God. He understood when we taught the Holy Ghost and he said "I must have felt the Holy Ghost when I stopped and crossed the street. Because I wouldn't normally do that, but then something in my head told me I should." He wants to just keep learning as much as he can and is so willing to follow the commandments. I'm praying that everything goes well! He told me during fast and testimony (after the bishop had born his testimony about his conversion story) that he feels excited and wants to be baptized. And you guys, he's only known about the church for A WEEK. I hope that we all can have the same desire and excitement about the gospel as Fluke. The gospel should be the most studied subject in our lives! Study General Conference! It is so amazing that we have a living Prophet today! 

Love you all! 

Sister Peterson

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My joy is full

Well, this is it. I can't believe that a year and a half has come and gone. This was such a good week though!!  "F...