Monday 28 August 2017

Week 5? Whaaa?

This week I have learned lots! 
We got 11 new investigators! Yay! 
One of our new investigators, we had a really good lesson with! It was a humbling experience for me because she new next to nothing about Jesus Christ and was so willing to learn. She struggled with reading, and would ask us - non thai people - to correct her reading to help her understand. When she prayed, she said after "Wow, this isn't like Buddhist prayers at all!" she also said that all she could see in her mind when she prayed was the image of Christ. She knows hardly anything about Him, but has already has a powerful experience! 

The people here are so kind and generous. They will make us meals right on the spot when we visit and are so patient with me and my Thai!

So last night we were at the church eating dinner with some YSA, and we had to leave to go home, but it was like monsooning outside so we got my little umbrella and hiked up our ankle length skirts and started running home, trying to dodge lightning and frogs, while running through streets that were beginning to flood. I felt like it was one of those moments where I REALLY wish my life was a movie because there were just these 2 sister missionaries running, (screaming, might I add) getting soaked and trying to make sure our crocs don’t slip off in the river that is forming before us "Ahhhh we're gonna die!" 

BTW everyone, a picture of me is on the Thai Mormon news room.... 

Keep praying and reading your scriptures EVERYDAY. DO IT. 

I love you all! 
Love Sister Peterson

With Kit. She calls to make sure we get home safe and she sets up her own appointments. Love her! We hope that she can get baptized soon! She's so cute!

This is Koi diow (I can't remember how to spell it in Thai and it would take too long) and I love it so much. It's only like a dollar (american) ฿35

After running through the rain!

The animal of the week: The Burmese Python

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My joy is full

Well, this is it. I can't believe that a year and a half has come and gone. This was such a good week though!!  "F...