Monday 5 March 2018

Crashed bike and locked out

This week has been crazy! This week we were given all of these challenges from the Assistants and our Zone Leaders that really made us stretch and use our faith! There were some hard days where we would just search and invite and hope for miracles, and in small little ways after following little promptings, those miracles happened! 
On Wednesday I had the 'bright idea' to study outside on the side of town we were (not a good idea in the heat) and so we were both hot and tired after riding our bikes. I lane changed and kept looking back to make sure Sister Pim lane changed too when I smacked into the back of a stopped pickup truck. I'm fine (just my pride and a few bruises.)

I'm all out of time but I KNOW that there are miracles to be found! I love Thailand and the chance I have to serve! I only have 9 months left! 


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My joy is full

Well, this is it. I can't believe that a year and a half has come and gone. This was such a good week though!!  "F...