Monday 28 May 2018

Water buffalos and snakes

- There was a Poisonous snake in our house this week. Scary. 
- We rode water buffalo today (just sat on it for 2 min, took a picture and got off) 
-We had an appointment with the mother of a recent convert. She is very timid and shy. It was raining like crazy, so hard that we couldnt hear each other speak because of the tin roof. We decided to read about Lehi's dream and as we read I drew out what was happening instead trying to speak because the rain was so loud. At the end, the rain settled down when she was trying to answer a question. 
- I have been loving the Book of Mormon lately so much. We have an RC who hasn't ever really understood the Book of Mormon until we read with her, commited her to pray before and then read a few chapters. Our next appointment, she was so excited and told us every detail from when Nephi gets the plates from Laban. 

No time gotta go! 
The branch president took care of it for us!

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