Monday, 18 June 2018

The Book Lady and Bow

Right now I'm on a bus that we waved down at the side of the highway, coming back from riding elephants! It was so fun! I love Thailand. 

This week has been good. And fast. I am so tired, everyday is just "go go go go go!". We're learning to effectively plan in advance and there is so much to do here. Our days are jam packed (with the occasional ผิดนัด canceled appointments). Constantly biking around in the heat and sweat, trying to keep our long skirts from getting caught in the chains! There are so many people here that I've talked to that have never talked to a missionary or know anything about Jesus Christ. Which is why it threw me off when we met a Protestant Thai lady on Saturday. We shared together what we believe about Christ, and she kept saying "Oh it's all the same" even though it's not, so I was able to tell her about Prophets and the Book of Mormon. She said she might come to English Class. Me and Sister Gagarin really want to teach her the restoration! I think I've only taught the restoration to someone with a Christian background maybe twice on my mission. Since then I have loved studying more deeply about prophets and the restoration!

As we were biking, I saw a woman sitting outside her shop reading a novel. I don't usually see people reading here, usually they are on their phones! I knew I had to talk to her. We stop our bikes and walk back to where she was at and I asked her about her book. She was half way through a 700 page novel in Thai that she had begun the day before. What. Then I took that opportunity to tell her about my favourite book :) She said that a member has told her about church and Book of Mormon before (we have great members here!) But has never read it. I read the last 2 paragraphs with her, and then she just started reading the whole introduction and read it all in like a minute. We will meet with her again on Tuesday.

We have a cool new investigator named Bow. She came to English class a few weeks ago. The after the second english class Sister Gagarin invited her to church on Sunday, and she came! She came all dressed up too! She didn't understand what was going on but said that she would keep coming so that she could understand. But she did say to us "I think the praying thing is real, like it really works" we asked her why she thought that. She said that at the first english class she went to, she was there for the opening prayer, and could understand. The second week, she came late and missed the prayer and didn't understand anything. I was so happy that she made a connection like that ON HER OWN. She was able to see the baptisms of the Elders investigators  yesterday, and had great questions after and accepted a baptismal date! We love Bow. 

Happy Father's day Dad! You're awesome. Thank you for teaching the value of work and obedience. Both are essential in missionary work. I hate to say it, but thanks for making us sell chocolate almonds all those years to make money ourselves, and to "build character!" I am grateful to have a Father who loves his wife and family and is a great example of putting God first too. 

This upcoming week is the last one in the transfer - it has gone by crazy crazy fast. I will talk to you all on Wednesday

Go share with someone about the Book of Mormon. Or, if you haven't read it before, or if it has been a while, go read it. And read it every day with prayer.  พระคัมภีร์ มอรมอน เป็นความจริง


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My joy is full

Well, this is it. I can't believe that a year and a half has come and gone. This was such a good week though!!  "F...