Tuesday, 17 July 2018

The Day of Asia

Hey I'm back after 2 days! Our preparation days were changed because of Zone Conference (meeting with our president and other missionaries). It was really good, and I learned a lot about how I can focus my teachings more on families and on Jesus Christ. 

Our new mission president and his wife are filled with love towards us. Even though they don't know us, I know that they love and are concerned and are putting forth their every effort into helping us and this country. We learned a lot from the scriptures :) 

I saw two Catholic nun sisters at the bus station in Ubon after. I decided to go talk to them! They were super cute and friendly and we were both able to share our beliefs together and our love for Jesus Christ. I was able to read a verse from the Book of Mormon with one of them! Even though we believe differently I still think it's admirable that they dedicate their lives for their beliefs. I want to be more dedicated to what I believe. I wish I had a Thai Book of Mormon with me to give to her (I usually do!) 

The past week we had set a goal to find 5 new people to teach. We felt like it was possible and felt inspired. By the time Thursday came around we had only found two new people to teach, and then we had to get on a bus to Ubon for Zone p day and Zone Conference. We didn't get home until Saturday night. I thought that we wouldn't be able to make our goal for sure. But Saturday night, we talked with people and tried. Sunday came we had a long meeting after with two appointments which left us little time to find. But we prayed and went out with faith and I just felt just a boost of energy and enthusiasm to find and share with people. Before the end of the night, we had found 3 new people to teach. 2+3=5 = Miracles. 

I forgot to mention why I titled my last email "I love youuuuuu...th" 55 Sister Gagarin was sharing with me in companionship study what she had studied. She had studied from the world wide youth devotional. Then she said "I just love youu....th" (youth, she loves youth) At first I only hear "you" and I though "awe that’s so sweet, companion unity" and then after I thought that I heard the "th" haha it was a funny moment! We have just been saying "I love youuuuuth" ever since then! 

As for this week’s email title "The day of Asia" President Hammond told us that for missionary work, Asia is at its best right now! There are more people then there ever was before who are prepared to hear about Jesus Christ and who follow Him. I do love this country and want so much for my brothers and sisters here to have the joy that I have that comes from following Christ. 

I hope you all have an amazing week! 

Love, Sister Peterson

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My joy is full

Well, this is it. I can't believe that a year and a half has come and gone. This was such a good week though!!  "F...