All men are created equal
Under God, our Lord, as usual.
To my blindness, goodness! Bless me.
When young, I could indeed clearly see
Both positive and negative signs.
Now grown up, I cannot see any signs
The Lord lets me hear only good things
Whatever He says and sings
Paiboon Onurit
That poem was written by our 85 year old investigator who cannot see but loves English literature (he studied in Indiana in the 70's and then was a professor). I think he just likes speaking english with us (even though we speak in Thai with him) but his wife (who isn't as old as him) is actually interested in learning and has a testimony of prayer and of our Heavenly Father.
I'll try to get some more Paiboon poetry for you all in the future.
Phikun was confirmed :)
I have been in Thailand for a year now! I love this country!
I am sorry: In english class we were learning about adjectives and how one can describe themselves. everyone had a turn to say something that described themselves. "I am tall" "I am beautiful" "I am smart". This one dear lady got to her turn and stood up and said " I am... sorry." and then sat down. Everyone understood just enough english to start laughing. The lady was laughing too after so we had a good time in english class.
It has been raining a little more recently, so I have been wearing this rain poncho and am wet and muddy a lot. We had to answer a phone call and so we stop our bikes and I was on the phone. My companion began talking to some old ladies at a food stand, and the old ladies were so concerned about me. When we asked why, they said because I could have gotten struck by lightning. there was no thunder or lightning out. Many Thai people believe that if you are on your phone in a rain storm that you will be struck by lightning. Haha I thanked them for their concern though.
Right now I have been studying a lot about Alma and Amulek, and they are just so awesome. I am so bad at explaining why, (and my english is awkward now! 55) but they had so much faith and had the spirit with them. The Book of Mormon teaches us so much about how to live, or like what kind of people we should try to be. I would like to encourage you all to read the Book of Mormon. :)
I know that this is God's work, and that I am in His hands.
Love, Sister Peterson
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