Monday 8 October 2018

Another great crazy week!

We had zone conference this week where me and my companion and the zone leaders gave training about planning, goal setting, and accountability! We had a slide show and activities with the training! It went great! We also Tim tam slammed! Then later that night I threw up... weird. 

Even though I was a little sick, I was still able to switch off twice this week with some awesome sisters! I love being able to work with different sisters and learn from them. 

I absolutely love this Gospel. I know that God has called a living prophet, President Nelson to lead His church! I love love love General Conference! I still haven't watched all of it, but I am also so excited for my investigators to watch it! 

Tomorrow morning we have to get up at like 3 am to drop a cute sister from Myanmar off at the airport to go to the MTC. She is so brave! 

We had an awesome lesson with a new investigator last week where she understood almost everything we explained! She understood about the Holy Ghost and about just everything without us having to explain a few times like how we usually do... does that make sense? 

I gave my farewell testimony at zone conference. Bitter sweet that that was my last zone conference... 

Love you all!! 

Sister Peterson

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My joy is full

Well, this is it. I can't believe that a year and a half has come and gone. This was such a good week though!!  "F...