Wednesday 6 December 2017

Still in Bangna! transfers....

So I am still here, so I will have been in my greenie area for 6 months! I love the ward members here though! 
Brother Pat got confirmed, he's such a gangster. He also said "I don't know how I can ever thank you Sisters for teaching me." We told him it wasn't us, but it's God! Which is so true, it's all God. This is His work, we don't really do that much, my ability is really lacking, but that doesn't matter! 
I have a new companion! I will miss Sister Maskovich, but I am excited to be with Sister Ballif! I'm leading the area... again! 
We are getting smart phones in this mission - like personal ones, so we will be able to use Facebook and an app called Line to contact people with. I'm really excited. I love you all! Life is hard at times, but God ALWAYS is mindful and sends blessings. So much has happened but I can't put it all into words! I am learning so much! 

Love Sister Peterson in Thailand

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