Sunday (yesterday): we have 1pm church, so in the morning we went to give the elders a referral. As we were waiting for the investigator to come, this guy (who was not Thai) started shouting at the Elders about how everything we believe is evil with a whole lot of profanity... We all just stood there as everyone was looking at this guy and then at us. All we said was "Ok bye have a good day." And then that sad little man went away. Yay persecution! But right after that this kind Thai man approached the Elders and asked if they were ok. Then 2 min later another person approaches us and shakes our hands and thanks us for our service. And then the investigator showed up. I am explaining all of this because it was just evidence that no matter what some hate-driven person might say, they can't stop God's work. That sad little man can't stop that right before that I contacted a super nice japanese lady who was so grateful that I just said "Hi!" to her and now she has my facebook. The sad little man doesn't know that the investigator referral that came only 7 min after he stopped shouting at us, ended up accepting the invitation to follow Jesus Christ and be baptized. And if anything, his words won't shake my faith. I am happy. And I don't think someone who can shout the things he did at us can really have happiness.
Saturday: Sister Bleum and i just went ahead into an area that missionaries don't usually go and just started blazing trails! One man accepted the Book of Mormon and we sat down with him and taught the whole Restoration! He also invited his friends to come sit and listen. Later that day at Lumpini Park, we contacted 2 sisters who have been wanted to read more about Jesus Christ. After we gave them one pamphlet, they asked if we had anymore, I happened to have one on temples and the family proclamation on hand! We will meet them again this week!
One of investigators (who will be baptized next week!) Just had her heart broken and felt sad. But after church on sunday she said "I feel so much better!! I am happier now!" Attending church brings peace. 
I love this Gospel, and I know it is true! I know that Jesus is my Savior and I am so grateful to represent Him!
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